This Tuesday's title box is...WULFBORNE

“Come to me, and I will heal your broken heart.” These words spoken by a sweet-voiced angel lead Wulfborne the Adventurer into a dark and creature-filled Underworld. As he battles his way through Minotaurs, Fish-Monsters, and other strange creatures, he struggles with a promise he made to his lost love Luna. To make matters worse, he is warned back at every turn by strange and broken travelers. Will Wulfborne find what he seeks at the bottom of the Underworld, or does something far deadlier lie in wait?
WRITER/ARTIST - Brian Middleton
Each deluxe title box will contain a complete set of comics! There's a mystery element in each box offering that includes rare variants, store/website exclusives and out off print covers.
Along with the set of single issues you will also get a digital download/collectible card of each series in Scout's new COMIC TAG format! These limited edition collectibles look just like a mini comic book with a collectible card attached!
WULFBORNE #1-3 and the Comic Tag containing the entire digital graphic novel of issues 1-3. LIMITED TO 250 BOXES!
$19.99 EACH
$19.99 EACH