(W) Amy Harlow (A) Jim Mehsling FC. 32 pages. 8'X8'
From the LAUNCH lineup for beginning readers! Launch bridges the gap between children’s picture books and comics with three stages: Stage One - a few simple words, but mostly letters and sounds; Stage Two - more simple words, and repetition; Stage Three - expanded vocabulary, still beginning reader, plus in Stage Three we introduce sequential storytelling with one-panel, two-panel, and three-panel pages! All stories have fun, colorful artwork by amazing artists!
(SCOOT LAUNCH Stage-One Reader) Bandit is a Bull Terrier puppy with an incredibly active imagination! Kids will delight to see the world through his eyes as he encounters the extraordinary in everyday settings and activities. A true celebration of the imagination! In this book Bandit must defend the house from the vacuum… or is it the Vacuumonster!?